
在圣. 爱德华的, you’ll have an entire success team to help you personalize your college experience — classes, 实习, 领导机会, 出国留学等. And it all starts with your success coach.

To help you get more acquainted with your success coach, we asked each of them to answer a few questions about themselves. 看看他们分享了什么. And be sure to reach out to your coach at any time. You can email them to schedule a call or meeting. 他们总是很高兴收到你的来信! 

For more specific information on who to contact for each academic program and/or population, 请联系学术咨询 & 探索.

成功的教练 with 比尔·蒙迪商学院


Claudia Briseno-Chavez, Associate Director and Success Coach

电子邮件 克劳迪娅或 安排预约

作为一名成功教练最好的部分是: Helping students navigate their college experience and make the transition to our university a little less daunting. 在山顶上最喜欢做的事情: Walking around campus and looking at the architecture of the buildings and the beautiful grounds. 它可以很平静. 给学生的校园内幕提示: Holy Cross Hall has great areas that are perfect for studying without too many distractions! 关于我的一个令人惊讶的花边新闻: 我一直很害怕深水, 但最后, 在我这个年纪, am conquering my fear and learning how to swim. 



电子邮件 汉娜或 安排预约

作为一名成功教练最好的部分是: Supporting students to achieve their own version of success, 不管这对他们意味着什么, and making sure students know they never have to walk alone during their journey. 在山顶上最喜欢做的事情: 我爱这个美丽的校园! Some of my favorite things to do include watching the squirrels play on Sorin Oak, 我在品尝乔家的一款新应季咖啡, or taking an afternoon stroll to look out at the Austin city skyline. 给学生的校园内幕提示: A part-time job on campus is a great way to make additional connections, 学习新技能, and ensure your working environment will be supportive of your educational goals. 不知道从哪里开始? 职业和专业发展 is a great resource! 关于我的一个令人惊讶的花边新闻: 我喜欢动物! I grew up on a vegetable farm and at one point in time, 我家有60只鸡, 20只猫, 5只狗, 2只山羊, 还有一头驴. Today I have two cats of my own named Callie and KitKat! 



电子邮件 凯尔或 安排预约

作为一名成功教练最好的部分是: Providing mentorship and empowering students to invest in their education and future. 在山顶上最喜欢做的事情: I enjoy walking under the shade of the trees and observing the wildlife on campus. Occasionally, you may spot a red-shouldered hawk or a gray fox! 给学生的校园内幕提示: Don't forget to take care of the nature surrounding campus! Take a moment to appreciate the natural world and pay close attention to the beauty found in the subtle details of your environment. 关于我的一个令人惊讶的花边新闻: I began my college journey pursuing marine biology. Though my path led me to student affairs in higher education, I still hold a deep appreciation for the ocean and all marine life. 

成功的教练 with The 艺术与人文学院 


Joshua Urie, Associate Director and Success Coach

电子邮件 约书亚或 安排预约

作为一名成功教练最好的部分是: Walking alongside students as you figure out what you want from your education, 发现它能把你带到哪里. 在山顶上最喜欢做的事情: Walk around and take in the beauty of the campus. 给学生的校园内幕提示: Find a specific place to study and keep it sacred. 无论是校园里的一个地方, 在你自己家里, or somewhere else utilize that spot for studying and studying only, so that you enter the right headspace even as you near it to begin. 关于我的一个令人惊讶的花边新闻: I've lived in six and a half states: California, 明尼苏达州, 亚利桑那州, 伊利诺斯州, 俄勒冈州, and Texas; the half is Washington because my parents moved there while I was in college and though I've spent a significant amount of time there, 其实我并没有在那里住过. I also lived in Ecuador for just under a year, but unfortunately I was a shy kid and didn't learn 西班牙语.



电子邮件 卡西迪或 安排预约

作为一名成功教练最好的部分是: Helping students achieve their goals here on the hilltop! I love supporting students during their college journey and witnessing their achievements. 在山顶上最喜欢做的事情: Finding a cozy spot outside to eat my lunch, 听一本好书, or have some great conversations with students. 给学生的校园内幕提示: Getting involved on campus could be the best thing you ever do! St. 爱德华的 has so many student organizations to join and events to attend. 这是找到你的人的好方法. 关于我的一个令人惊讶的花边新闻: 我是个电影迷! M. Night Shyamalan, Jordan Peele, and Wes Anderson are some of my favorite directors.



电子邮件 费尔南多或 安排预约

作为一名成功教练最好的部分是: Listening to student concerns and helping them develop a plan of action towards accomplishing their dreams and goals! 在山顶上最喜欢做的事情: Seeing the Austin city skyline and attending sporting events. 给学生的校园内幕提示: Don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. 申请实习, 加入俱乐部, 结交新朋友, but more importantly enjoy your college experience at the hilltop! 关于我的一个令人惊讶的花边新闻: For five years I competed locally and nationally as a player in the Pokemon Trading Card Game. 我也是一个超级哈利波特迷. 去赫奇帕奇!

成功的教练 with The 行为与社会科学学院

Roel Martinez成功教练

Roel Martinez, Associate Director and Success Coach

电子邮件 Roel或 安排预约

作为一名成功教练最好的部分是: Working with learners who want to step and leap into their future. 在山顶上最喜欢做的事情: Walk around campus on my lunch break and talk to students away from the office. 给学生的校园内幕提示: Jo’s Coffee in Doyle Hall (I call it “Secret Jo’s”) is a great place to have a quiet cup of coffee if you need a moment to yourself with caffeine involved. 关于我的一个令人惊讶的花边新闻: I have an affinity for analog writing tools — pencils and typewriters to sharpen, fix and use.



电子邮件 4月或 安排预约

作为一名成功教练最好的部分是: Collaborating with faculty and staff to provide mission-driven services to all the students and families we serve. 在山顶上最喜欢做的事情: Roam around campus and enter nostalgic spaces connected to my undergraduate and graduate years. 给学生的校园内幕提示: Explore our beautiful campus and get to know it — and visit faculty and staff during office hours! 关于我的一个令人惊讶的花边新闻: 我要去见加比·里韦拉, 我最喜欢的作家和倡导者之一, and the first Latina to write for Marvel Comics.


Kyle Kaiser,成功教练

电子邮件 凯尔或 安排预约

作为一名成功教练最好的部分是: Helping first-year students transition to college and learning about their academic goals. 在山顶上最喜欢做的事情: Going for runs through campus — running in front of Main Building that overlooks downtown is awesome. 给学生的校园内幕提示: Use the different study spaces available around campus — you don’t just have to go to the library or study in your residence hall. 关于我的一个令人惊讶的花边新闻: 我是真实犯罪播客的粉丝.



电子邮件 迈克尔或 安排预约

作为一名成功教练最好的部分是: I love having conversation with students and faculty/staff about the college experience and growing as individuals. 在山顶上最喜欢做的事情: Taking walks around campus and going to the Recreation and Athletic Center (RAC). 给学生的校园内幕提示: The earlier you park on campus - the better the parking spot! Also, the bright side of having early morning classes is that it often means free afternoons. 关于我的一个令人惊讶的花边新闻: I am afraid of heights but will still get on roller coasters without a second thought!



电子邮件 琥珀色或 安排预约

作为一名成功教练最好的部分是: 我喜欢成为圣. 爱德华的社区. 这里的每个人都很热情, supportive and ultimately wants students to succeed in whatever their dreams or goals are for themselves. I'm thankful to get to be a part of students' journeys on their way to those goals/dreams! 在山顶上最喜欢做的事情: I love getting Jo's coffee and walking around our beautiful campus! 给学生的校园内幕提示: The view of the Austin skyline in front of the main building while looking over the soccer field is a great place to watch the sunset! 关于我的一个令人惊讶的花边新闻: I taught kindergarten/pre-k for three years (I have a great Friday song)!

成功的教练 with The 自然科学学院  


Michael Kinsey, Associate Director and Success Coach

电子邮件 迈克尔或 安排预约

作为一名成功教练最好的部分是: I really enjoy working with all the student-athletes to help them plan and set goals for their time at St. 爱德华的 and beyond, as well as occasionally cheering them on at their games! 在山顶上最喜欢做的事情: Walk around campus and see what students are up to while drinking a hot cup of coffee. 给学生的校园内幕提示: The best view on campus is from the third floor restrooms in Fleck Hall. 关于我的一个令人惊讶的花边新闻: It's not very surprising, but I used to play baseball and am a proud graduate of St. 爱德华的!



电子邮件 丽贝卡或 安排预约

作为一名成功教练最好的部分是: Helping students plan their future and pursue all of the opportunities that await them! 在山顶上最喜欢做的事情: Drink a latte from Jo’s coffee and sit outside (in the shade) under one of the many beautiful trees on campus. 给学生的校园内幕提示: Be sure to use all of the resources that St. 爱德华的 has to offer to help you succeed, 比如办公时间, 数学实验室, 写作中心, 辅导, 健康和咨询中心, 还有很多其他的. We all want to see you reach your full potential during your college experience! 关于我的一个令人惊讶的花边新闻: I love to listen to audiobooks and podcasts in my free time! 



电子邮件 奥斯汀或 安排预约

作为一名成功教练最好的部分是: Helping students become the best version of themselves. 在山顶上最喜欢做的事情: I really find walking around campus to be relaxing, 令人欣慰的, and a great way to clear my head if I need some time to decompress. 给学生的校园内幕提示: Being engaged is the best way to set yourself up for success. Finding a club or community to join can lead to wonderful experiences and lifelong friendships. It doesn't hurt that additional involvement always looks good on a resume, 尤其是在领导职位上! 关于我的一个令人惊讶的花边新闻: 在我在圣. Edwards I参与了电子竞技. I've been a professional player, twitch streamer, and college and professional coach.


电子邮件 Elvia或 安排约会

·作为一名成功教练最好的部分是:  Getting to serve and assist students through-out their journey here at the University. Creating a collaborative environment with students that encourages student growth and success.

·在山顶上最喜欢做的事情:  Walking around this beautiful campus and looking at the Austin skyline while sipping my coffee!

·关于你的一个令人惊讶的花边新闻: I was in the military for a few years and am a first-generation college graduate.  I absolutely love dogs and listen to podcasts every day.




电子邮件 吉尔伯特或 安排预约

作为一名成功教练最好的部分是: I love interacting with students and the conversations that happen outside of my office that keep me updated on current events. 在山顶上最喜欢做的事情: Taking time out of my day to walk around campus, enjoying the nature, view and people I encounter.  给学生的校园内幕提示: Something fun is to take a blanket and sit on the hill in front of Main Building and admire the Austin skyline. 关于我的一个令人惊讶的花边新闻: It’s not a secret but I’m a diehard San Antonio Spurs fan. I’ve been going to games since 1986 — too many games to count.



有一般性问题? 联系学术咨询 & 探索 by phone at (512) 448-8660 or by email at ace@dehuavn.net.