

Applied Behavioral Analysis, Criminal Justice, Social Work, and Sociology

Explore How Biology Impacts Our Habits With a Degree in 行为神经科学

行为神经科学 explores topics in mental health, 认知功能, 睡眠, 社会行为等等. 

Students who pursue this major have varying interests in professional or research careers in medicine, 药品, 动物科学与神经科学.


为什么要在圣. 爱德华的?

Whether you want to pursue a career helping people coping with mental-health concerns or addiction, 在医院或物理治疗诊所设置, 有一件事是肯定的:你的优势St. 爱德华的教育将为你的成功做好准备. You’ll find opportunities in and outside the classroom to learn, give back and achieve your goals. And your mentors will support you every step of the way.


学前健康专业的学生发现这个专业非常适合他们, because the degree requirements align with medical or graduate school requirements. 


You’ll have the chance to serve as a teaching assistant and lead study sessions. 你会提高你的领导能力, communication and people skills — all while helping fellow students learn the material.


The 行为神经科学 program helps you develop top-notch research skills. You’ll learn how to design and conduct your own study, 分析数据, 然后写一份解释结果的手稿.


You’ll learn in small classes taught by award-winning professors who make a point of getting to know you and becoming your trusted advisors. 他们会帮助你确定并专注于你的目标, and provide guidance and insight during and after your college years.



作为一名高年级学生, you’ll take the 研究 and Field Experience course, which requires the completion of an internship at a community organization, 实验室或临床设施. 奥斯汀有许多治疗机构, hospitals and clinics suitable for students who need to gain educational internship experiences.


行为神经科学 majors go on to a variety of careers and graduate schools from St. 爱德华的. 以下是来自应届毕业生的例子.

  • 创业公司的业务发展主管
  • MediaScience的行为数据协调员
  • Neuropsychiatry research coordinator at Baylor College of Medicine
  • 女孩公司的外展项目和数据协调员.
  • 学校 psychologist in Austin Independent 学校 District
  • 研究生 school placement in doctorate programs in neuroscience at Colorado State University, 德克萨斯大学, 斯克里普斯研究所, 和伊坎医学院
  • Clinical Psychology doctorate program at Palo Alto University
  • Medical school placement at various schools across the country

Explore Details 关于 a Degree in 行为神经科学

主要要求: The BS in 行为神经科学 requires 60 hours of major-specific courses, which include a combination of psychology and natural sciences coursework. 

选修课: Students complete 39 hours of elective courses in any area of study they choose. 这些课程不一定与专业相关.

通识教育要求: The degree requires 748 hours of general education courses that students complete over four years in addition to their major courses and electives.

查看并下载完整版 degree plan for the 行为神经科学 major (PDF).


A few examples of courses students in this major take:

  • 生物心理学 – Delves into the function and anatomy of the nervous system and the role it plays in directing thought and behavior.
  • 行为神经科学 – Students will examine how the central nervous system mediates perceptions, 情绪, 记忆, 以及其他行为.
  • 学习与认知 - Students study how our experiences change the brain’s structure and how the brain works. The course examines learning principles, memory processes, language, and cognitive skills.


行为神经科学 majors are outstanding scientists with excellent research skills. You’ll develop those skills in classes that include labs, 这样你就可以学以致用了, and in internships and research you conduct with professors.


Classes like 研究 Methods equip you with skills learned through hands-on experience. You’ll have the opportunity to assist faculty with their research projects and pursue your own area of inquiry. 行为神经科学 majors have examined the following topics:

  • The impact of recreational drug and alcohol use on stress response
  • The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on coping behaviors, relationships, and social media dependency
  • 种族和性别对疼痛共情的影响
  • How sex education shapes people’s attitudes about gender, bodily autonomy and sex
  • How different types of trauma exposure are associated with the stress hormone cortisol

Students present their research at professional academic conferences like the Southwestern Psychological Association, the Society for Neuroscience and the Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology. They win national awards and are accepted into top graduate programs in the country.

Students are encouraged to gain internship experience at any point during their college career. 行为神经科学 majors have recently completed internships at the following sites:

  • MD安德森癌症研究中心
  • 德克萨斯大学的双胞胎计划
  • 普里西拉·庞德flwn儿童和家庭实验室
  • BlueSprig, which specializes in Applied Behavior Analysis therapy for children with autism
  • 奥斯汀焦虑治疗中心
  • 全国精神疾病联盟
  • 自闭症及相关疾病研究中心
  • 三一儿童发展中心