Students working on their laptops in the 芒迪库.



从医学院到工程学院和法学院, pre-professional tracks in our undergraduate programs are designed to set you up for success. 专业预科课程是指与专业必修课程一起学习的一系列课程,这样你就可以为职业生涯的下一步做好充分的准备. 


我们在这里通过为任何学生提供个人指导,进一步为对卫生专业感兴趣的学生提供机会, 不管专业是什么. 学前健康学生主修各种学科,毕业后可能决定从事各种领域的研究, 包括, 但不限于: 


的 前期 educational pathways are attractive not only to our students, 但对我们合作院校的工程学院以及该项目毕业生的潜在雇主来说. 具有扎实的文科基础, 这些双学位课程的学生为工程课程和职业生涯做好了充分的准备. 的 curriculum fosters outstanding communication skills across various media, sharpens problem-solving abilities through challenging courses, and provides a comprehensive understanding of the broader societal context. 这是通过圣十字方法来实现高等教育,并将人文和社会科学课程纳入我们的通识教育课程.


工程预科课程为科学、数学和工程提供了坚实的基础. St. 爱德华大学提供各种基础工程课程以及一些合作项目, 包括:


华盛顿大学(Washington University in St. Louis in which students earn a bachelor’s degree in Mathematics from St. 和生物医学学士学位, 化学, 电, 机械, 华盛顿大学系统工程专业毕业.




法律预科咨询课程 帮助学生培养交际能力, 分析, and methodological skills important to the legal profession. 的 American Bar Association does not recommend any particular undergraduate majors, as students are admitted to law school from almost every academic discipline. 

许多学生选择的专业被认为是进入法学院的传统准备, 比如历史, 英语, 通信, 业务, 或者政治科学. We recommend students 探索 a broad liberal arts education to 准备 for law school, 研究生院, 或在公共或私营部门就业.



If you aspire a career in law or broad range of health professions, there are resources to assist you in making informed decisions as you connect, 探索, 准备, 并申请入读专业学校.  

You can meet with your success coach about selecting your major, 了解研究领域和学位规划, and preparing your application and personal statements. Our career coaches will help you understand and navigate the 研究生院 process, and your faculty advisors are available to talk about course content, 度发展, 以及健康预科或法律预科的职业探索. 



卫生专业咨询委员会(HPAC)在几个层面上指导健康预科学生. 委员会与职业及专业发展署署长紧密合作,为申请人提供策略性指引,使其成为具竞争力的申请人, as well as guidance for the application and interview process. 许多学前健康专业课程强烈鼓励学生接受学校HPAC的评估. 

Students may acquire a letter of evaluation from HPAC to accompany their application. 学生通常在大三开始申请专业学校. 然而, 全国趋势表明,学生将申请职业学校推迟到大学四年级或更晚, after they have gained firsthand experience in their field of interest.


以下卫生专业将是 被认为是 评价: 

  • 医疗
  • 牙科
  • 兽医
  • 医师助理
  • 验光
  • 药店



请注意:接受HPAC的最低资格实际上是接受专业课程的最低标准. 这些最低标准远远低于成功进入所选专业的候选人的平均水平. Strong candidates will exceed these minimum requirements.


将被考虑作为HPAC的评估信, 学生必须符合以下要求:

  1. 累积绩点必须达到3分.在提交申请时,如果你的累积GPA在评估过程中低于此要求,则为25分, 你将不再被考虑评估).
  2. Must have a BCPM (Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Math) GPA of 3.在提交申请时,如果您的BCPM GPA在评估过程中低于此要求,则为25分, 你将不再被考虑评估).
  3. 在提交申请时,必须已经获得至少60个学分的大学学分.
  4. 必须在圣. 365比分网电竞 (minimum of 15 credit hours) by the end of the Spring 2023 semester.
  5. 在提交申请时,必须在您感兴趣的专业领域有第一手经验(至少50小时). 例如临床志愿服务, 阴影, 传教旅行或在诊所工作, 医院, 或者健康专家的办公室. 我们也愿意考虑 一些 forms of live virtual 阴影, but we will not consider pre-recorded YouTube videos.
  6. [PLEASE NOTE THIS EVENTS REQUIREMENT IS CURRENTLY SUSPENDED. Involvement in the pre-health community on campus is still encouraged; see below for ways to be involved.] 自进入St .以来,每年平均参加四次活动(由HPAC或Pre-Health职业主办). 365比分网电竞, and prior to the application year. 例外情况将逐案考虑.
  7. 在提交申请时必须从事过校园和/或社区服务/志愿服务(至少30小时).
  8. 必须提交评估信吗. Evaluators should know an applicant well enough to evaluate him/her, 并且可以有多种来源. Potential evaluators may include work or volunteer supervisors, 你跟踪的医疗保健专业人员, 大学教职员工, 等.

    现任HPAC成员 不能 提供这个评估. Letters will only be accepted via PDF for the Fall 2023 application cycle. PDF letters must be emailed directly from the letter writer to

    写信的人应参考 AAMC信函写作指南 and pay special attention to the competencies listed (Thinking & 推理,科学,人际关系,内省).

  9. 如果HPAC在评估过程中发现任何不专业或不道德的行为, we reserve the right to eliminate a candidate from the process. 

We encourage you to start working on the essays immediately in a Microsoft Word document, 哪些可以粘贴到应用程序中. 记住,这是一个评估的过程, and a completed application does not guarantee interviews or a letter of evaluation.

免责声明:请记住,卫生专业咨询委员会的所有成员都是强制性的第九条记者. 因此,我们必须向圣. 你的申请材料中是否有关于性骚扰的信息, 性侵犯, 跟踪, 约会/关系或家庭暴力, 或者基于性别或性别表达的仇恨犯罪.


HPAC 2023-2024申请

  • HPAC Evaluation Applications will become available by Friday, September 8, 2023 .
  • HPAC评估申请截止时间为下午5点.m. 2023年10月27日.
  • 入选的候选人将在2024年1月初至2月底期间接受委员会的面试.
  • 的 committee meets in late-February/early-March to assess and evaluate all candidates.
  • HPAC主席和教师联络员将在写信过程开始之前与每个学生会面,以传达需要改进的地方.
  • 整个春季学期, students are expected to write and edit multiple drafts of their personal statements. During this time, students are also expected to take their admissions exams.
  • Applications for professional programs typically open in early May or June in most cases.
  • If a student plans on using the HPAC letter of evaluation, he or she must submit their professional program applications no later than June 30, 2024, 无论应用程序服务如何.
  • 所有二级申请必须在学生收到申请后两周内提交.

校友 seeking an evaluation from HPAC will be 被认为是 according to these guidelines:

Have you previously completed the HPAC evaluation process, 包括 application and interviews with the committee?

  • 如果是这样的话, you must contact the current HPAC Chair, Katy Goldey (, with your intent to apply to your respective health professions program. 你必须在下午5点前通知主席.m. 2023年12月1日.
  • If warranted, you may be asked to re-interview with the committee. If you did not interview with any current HPAC members, this will be required. 在其他情况下,你是否会被要求重新面试由主席决定.
  • 你也可以 请求 to be re-interviewed, even if you formerly interviewed with current HPAC members. 如果你已经做了实质性的改变来提高你在项目中的竞争力,这是明智的.
  • 你还必须提交一份最新的简历,以及一页关于你离开圣. 365比分网电竞.
  • 返回 applicants will be 被认为是 for up to 5 years after graduation.

Are you an alum who did not apply for an evaluation from HPAC when you were a student?

  • 如果是这样的话, 你可以向HPAC提交评估申请,以便在毕业后最多5年内进行面试.
  • Be mindful that your application must follow the exact same requirements, 标准, 还有申请的在校生的截止日期.
  • Katy Goldey, HPAC Chair, Associate Professor of Behavioral Neuroscience
  • Lisa Goering, HPAC Faculty Liaison, Associate Professor of Biological Sciences
  • 贝卡·汤普森,化学助理教授
  • Jack Musselman,哲学副教授
  • Claire Edwards, Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences
  • Donna Beuk, Founding Director of 护理, Professor of 护理
  • 凯蒂·艾伦,护理助理教授

参与St. 强烈鼓励爱德华的前健康社区,它可以加强你对卫生专业项目的准备. 参与的资源包括: