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Program Snapshot
Program Type

Protect the Quality of Our Environment With a Degree in 环境科学与政策

研究气候变化等环境问题背后的科学, water quality and biodiversity loss as well as the policy strategies that will enable you to develop solutions to these issues.

为什么要在圣. Edward’s?

你是否打算从事公共环境方面的工作, 私营或非牟利机构, 有一件事是肯定的:你的优势St. 爱德华的教育将为你的成功做好准备. You’ll find opportunities in and outside the classroom to learn, give back and achieve your goals. 你的导师会支持你前进的每一步.


作为你365比分网电竞经历的一部分, 你可以对其他国家的环境战略进行研究, ecotourism plans, 保护措施和农业技术.


学生们在野生盆地保护区进行实地研究, the Spicewood Ranch ecolab in the rural Hill Country and in tropical forests in Costa Rica. Apply your research skills to projects like examining the environmental impacts of electric scooters, testing Travis County residents’ water for lead contamination or examining whether paying Costa Rican and Ugandan farmers to not cut down their forests helps reduce deforestation.


学生可持续发展教育St. 爱德华的社区关于环保的做法,并与圣. 推行环保措施.


You’ll learn in small classes taught by award-winning professors who make a point of getting to know you and becoming your trusted advisors. 他们会帮助你确定并专注于你的目标, 并在你大学期间和毕业后提供指导和见解.


Reap the Rewards of Austin.

Austin is known for being a sustainability-oriented city and is the perfect place to study 环境科学与政策, providing students with a wide range of internship opportunities with 比如德州环境质量委员会.

What do our graduates do?

环境科学和政策专业的学生可以从事各种各样的职业. Edward’s. Here’s a sample.

  • US State Department
  • 开放再造林议定书
  • 德克萨斯州水资源开发委员会
  • 德克萨斯州环境质量委员会(TCEQ)
  • 洛雷罗工程公司
  • SWA环境顾问公司


Major Requirements这个学位需要49个学时的课程. All students take 25 hours of a core curriculum that includes introductory courses on sustainability and environmental science, 以及环境政治和政策的高级课程, 环境科学与政策研究, and internship. In addition, 学生将在更关注政治的环境政策课程中进行选择, communication, law and economics, 环境科学方向更侧重于生物和化学. 

View Degree Plan 

Electives学生在他们选择的任何学习领域完成15小时的选修课程. 这些课程不一定与专业相关.

通识教育要求: The degree requires 48 hours of general education courses that students complete over four years in addition to their major courses and electives.


  • Climate Change -从跨学科的角度探讨全球气候变化问题, covering the science, 对环境和人口的影响, 以及管理和政策反应 
  • Chemistry in the Environment - students learn about how nutrients and toxic chemicals move through the environment and what we can do to reduce their impacts, and participate in a hands-on service-learning project testing lead in tap water of at-risk homes in Travis County
  • 环境政治与政策 – examines the political process through which environmental decisions are made and the different regulatory and market-based policy alternatives for achieving environmental goals.  
  • 环境科学与政策研究经验 – students train in research methods and design and conduct a guided research project on an environmental topic of their choosing. 

What You Will Learn

作为一个环境科学与政策专业的学生, 你将了解自然世界以及政府和政治世界.

Experiential Learning

  • 你的课程将带你走遍德州中部, 当你参观公园和自然保护区并进行实地研究时. Your classes will also feature guest speakers from local environmental organizations, 帮助你了解潜在的职业道路,并开始建立你的人际网络.
  • 《365bet足球比分》是你专业的第一门课程. You’ll apply the sustainability concepts you learn to campus projects like planting and maintaining the campus garden. You’ll also research sustainability initiatives to pitch to school officials for potential adoption on campus.
  • Natural Resource Conservation and Management emphasizes the real-world challenges of natural resource conservation and management. You’ll go on numerous outings to parks preserves and private lands throughout Texas to learn about different resource management techniques and meet professionals in the field.
  • 在环境和生态领域的方法, you’ll learn different methods natural and social scientists use to collect data for research. Students in this course recently studied how dockless scooters were affecting traffic and safety in central Austin and whether scooters are helping people drive less. They also measured the diversity of species in Blunn Creek, a preserve next to the St. Edward’s campus, comparing patches of forest that were mostly native trees and patches that had been taken over by invasive species.


ENSP majors will work closely with faculty members to gain research skills and experience both in the laboratory and at our Wild Basin Wilderness Preserve. Funding is available through the Hook Fellowship for students interested in conducting field research at Wild Basin and other properties in the Balcones Canyonlands Preserve.  Students can also apply for the BSS Research Award to obtain funding to present their research at academic conferences. This research experience has been influential in enabling graduates to acquire positions with employers and graduate schools.


ENSP majors gain valuable practical experience conducting internships within the public, 私营和非私营机构. ENSP专业的学生曾在州和联邦立法机构实习, 比如德州环境质量委员会, 环保组织,如塞拉俱乐部, Nature Conservancy and Save Our Springs Alliance and private companies such as Freedom Solar and Wildlife Management Services.

Student Organizations

学生可持续发展教育St. 爱德华的社区关于环保的做法,并与圣. 推行环保措施. 会员帮助维护校园花园, organize the campus Earth Day festival and initiate numerous sustainability measures on campus, 包括食堂里的堆肥和可重复使用的盘子和银器, 校园里到处都是换衣服和装水瓶的站.

The St. Edward’s Office of Sustainability offers internships and welcomes volunteers who help coordinate Earth Week and maintain the office’s blog.

Learning about environmental issues overseas can help you develop perspective on the problems American cities and states are trying to solve. In recent semesters, ENSP教师在法国领导了以环境为主题的出国留学项目, Costa Rica and South Africa, 虽然这并不是一个详尽的出国留学地点清单.

Learn more about St. Edward’s enhanced study abroad opportunities 在5大洲17个国家拥有20所合作大学.

在哥斯达黎加的可持续发展来源, you’ll take on a community service project; the program includes a study tour of Costa Rica, 你们将在哪里探讨可持续发展和生态旅游的问题.

你是否对环境咨询感兴趣, research management, or simply adding an environmental perspective to your prospective field of interest, a minor in 环境科学与政策 can help you prepare for a more sustainably mindful career.

Required Coursework:
  • 可持续发展概论
  • Environmental Science
  • 环境政治与政策
  • 另外两门高级ENSP课程
  • One additional ENSP elective