


Keep Citizens Informed With a 小 in 新闻与数字媒体

学会面试, 组织信息, 写, 编辑, 使用数字工具, ensuring that you can update your skills as newsroom technology evolves.

为什么要在圣. 爱德华的?

Our program trains students to conceptualize and produce stories using data and digital tools in a liberal arts context that holds humanism as a core value. 关于隐私的问题, 数据所有权, and automation are actively considered and discussed as students learn to 写 chatbots, 创建数据可视化, 拍摄和编辑视频, 并讲述引人入胜的音频故事.


新闻与数字媒体. 爱德华的能力包括新闻素养, journalistic practice and digital skills through the lens of civic understanding and engagement. Students are challenged to demonstrate new solutions and approaches when researching and reporting on complex situations and experiences. 


Outside the classroom, hone your craft as a reporter or 编辑or at the student news outlet, 山顶的观点. 学生记者报道, produce and 编辑 stories for publication online and the twice/monthly print 编辑ion. They use robust social media to share their work, copy 编辑, and design and sell ads. 山顶的观点 staffers are all paid interns through the 艺术与人文学院 and also earn course cr编辑.


Students are strongly encouraged to participate in internships to get on-the-job experience and to get a better idea of whether or not you can see yourself in this career. Examples of internships our students have completed are: The 奥斯汀美国政治家, 德州观察家报, 《365bet足球比分》, 德州每月, 奥斯汀每月, 休斯顿纪事报, 2018年Knight CUNYJ暑期实习项目(纽约), 政治新闻研究所.C. 新闻/传播实习.


The 新闻与数字媒体 program strives to give students opportunities to interact in- person with 练习记者. Professionals from KUT, Austin's NPR affiliate, KXAN, NBC affiliate, 奥斯汀美国政治家19 *  and other news outlets teach in our program and create internship opportunities for students.

Kaitlynn Devitt (left) receives her degree at graduation. Devitt was awarded the 米歇尔·凯杰出记者奖 for her photojournalism work.


每年, an outstanding graduating senior in the 新闻与数字媒体 program is selected for the Michele 凯 Outstanding Student Journalist Award. 这个奖项是为了纪念圣. 365比分网电竞 graduate, professional journalist for 40 years, and St. 爱德华大学教员. 凯, 他于2011年去世, inspired students to participate in campus journalism and created the 新闻与数字媒体 minor. 


新闻与数字媒体 minors go on a variety of careers and graduate schools from St. 爱德华的. 这里有一个例子:

  • 记者和编辑 奥斯汀美国政治家《365比分网电竞》朱诺帝国OpenSecrets.org at the Center for Responsive Politics, Washington D.C. 以及其他出版物
  • 政策处处长 & 德克萨斯州达拉斯市的通讯
  • 社交媒体营销和传播专业人士
  • Future newsroom leaders earning graduate degrees at elite programs, 包括伯克利新闻研究生院, 哥伦比亚大学新闻研究生院, 纽约大学新闻研究生院, Medill 学校 of Journalism at Northwestern University and the S.I. Newhouse 学校 of Public Communications at Syracuse University

Explore Details 关于 a 小 in 新闻与数字媒体


  • COMM 3330媒体标准和实践
  • 你的2310副本编辑
  • 互动媒体制作与设计
  • JOUR 2321 Journalism I: Introduction to Writing and Reporting 新闻
  • JOUR 3322新闻II:生产新闻在线


Select two from the following; one must be upper-division

  • 广播新闻
  • 有说服力的作家
  • JOUR 3304艺术和娱乐写作
  • 高级广播新闻
  • JOUR 3324体育新闻广播
  • JOUR 4305 Journalism III: Advanced 新闻 Writing and Reporting
  • JOUR 4331专题印刷新闻
  • JOUR 4332广播新闻专题
  • 实习
  • COMM 4324纪录片
  • writ4342杂志写作



The 新闻与数字媒体 minor will teach students to identify news, 构思故事情节, 研究和报告信息, 用新闻风格写作, 并发布或广播信息. A significant component of the minor focuses on the ethics of the industry. 


  • 〇文字编辑 This course is designed to provide extensive practice in 编辑ing stories for focus, 速度, 风格和书面英语的惯例. It will provide a review of grammar and usage conventions of standard written English, practice with common proofreading and copy-编辑ing symbols used in newsrooms, 并根据美联社的风格进行编辑练习.
  • Journalism I: Introduction to Writing and Reporting 新闻 - 这门课向学生介绍新闻的定义, reported and shared in our minute-by-minute digital media world. Students are introduced to the history of journalism in the U.S. and taught to become thoughtful and consistent news consumers. The course also teaches students how to generate story ideas, 写 in journalistic style and produce news stories across platforms and with social media. Students are encouraged to publish their work in the student newspaper/website. Students are also introduced to professionals working in the field.
  • 数字媒体制作与设计 This course will build on students’ proficiencies with established and emerging multimedia storytelling tools and techniques. The goal is not only to understand when and how to approach news and other types of stories from an interactive design standpoint, but to explore how and why certain multimedia techniques may allow for a deeper understanding of the world around us. 


  • 为数字渠道写作
  • 使用社交媒体作为报告工具
  • 拍摄和编辑视频
  • 使用计算机科学和编码来提高你的工作
  • 研究生 prepared to work in any type of media environment


联系 Jena希斯, professor of 新闻与数字媒体 and area coordinator for 新闻与数字媒体 at jennah@dehuavn.net.