Join Turn Off For Watt: Lights Out for a Greener Hilltop! 2015校园保护全国大赛

Are you ready to “Turn Off For Watt” Lights Out for a Greener Hilltop!? 2015年2月3-24日,St. 爱德华的 University will be participating in Campus 保护 Nationals (CCN), the largest electricity reduction competition for colleges and universities around the world! 因为这是St. 爱德华的 first time participating in this competition, schools and residence halls decided to jump in and give it a try. 比赛将在10点到10点之间进行. 爱德华的学术和居住建筑:

  •     ACADEMIC: JBWNSC, Trustee Hall, Doyle Hall, Holy Cross Hall, and Fleck Hall; and
  •     住宿:东厅, 特蕾莎修女大厅, Dujarie大厅, 巴兹尔·莫罗大厅, 居住村, 和之

The building that can achieve the greatest percentage reduction in electricity consumption will be awarded a water bottle refilling station! The goal is to reduce electricity consumption by 5%, but don’t let this goal limit your ambition; aim for a greater decrease!

CCN motivates thousands of students across North America, to work together in an effort to reduce the consumption and carbon emissions released on campus in order to mitigate the impacts of global climate change. The competition provides students and staff with the opportunity of organizing educational events, 活动, 和挑战,将留下积极的, 立即, 并对圣. 爱德华大学校园.

关闭瓦特? 为了更绿的山顶! Saving energy doesn’t have to be difficult; if we each do our part we can work towards a brighter future on the hilltop! For more information about how YOU can get involved, 包括节能贴士及常见问题解答, 向下滚动! 看看我们的视频 在这里.



The building that decreases its electricity consumption by the highest percentage will be declared the winner. This decrease will be measured against the buildings’ own baselines that were calculated prior to the competition over a week-long period, 确保不同的建筑尺寸, 特性, 目的不会妨碍胜利的机会. The 5% consumption reduction goal is not a requirement, but more of a guideline for all buildings to shoot for. The chance to win is an incentive to get us all to do our part in reducing our university’s carbon footprint!


  • The academic buildings were chosen because they house each of the schools at St. 爱德华的. These schools are key players because they involve students, 教师, and staff; and t在这里fore, 在鼓励一系列的圣. 爱德华的 community members to engage in the competition and work together to reduce our university’s carbon footprint.
  • The residential halls were chosen because they are centers for student life and help educate students to become responsible citizens. “Turn Off For Watt” Lights Out for a Greener Hilltop! can further encourage students to learn how environmental issues impact their finances.
  • We realize that this is not a perfect formula, but because it’s the inaugural year for St. 爱德华的,我们觉得最好先从小事做起. 如果今年的比赛成功的话, we would like to expand next year’s to include all buildings. If you don’t live or work in one of this year’s participating buildings, you can always “train” for next year by implementing some of the energy-saving strategies in your own space.


Students for Sustainability, Facilities Department, and the 可持续发展办公室. Bon Appétit also contributed to this competition by providing us with lightning bolt-shaped cookies, 咖啡, and space for the launch party on February 3rd in Hunt Hall. Topper TV contributed to the video for the competition. Student volunteers also donated their time and creativity! 他们想出了比赛的主题, 初步的图形, 音乐, 视频制作, and gave their time to measure the buildings’ electricity consumption.

How can I help decrease energy consumption in my building?
我们很高兴你问了! 以下是一些可以尝试的节能小贴士:

  •     Get rid of phantom energy by unplugging electronics such as laptops, 手机充电器, 电视不用的时候. 这可以节省你高达10%的能源.
  •     在电脑显示器上启用睡眠设置. Screen savers do not save energy but sleep settings do.
  •     Turn off your computer when not in use or switch your computer to energy saving or sleep mode. 这样每年可以节省500磅的二氧化碳.
  •     走楼梯而不是乘电梯. If you take two flights of stairs every day, you’re saving about 72 kilowatts of energy.
  •     Turn off PCs, monitors, printers, copiers, 咖啡pots, and lights every night and on weekends. If you can’t turn off the whole computer, turn off the monitor and the printer.
  •     Closing window shades when it’s cold will insulate the heat in your room at night, and leaving shades open during the day makes it warmer.
  •     避免使用私人空间取暖器. One space heater can consume the same amount of energy that it would take to run 50 6×4 fluorescent lamps!
  •     If appropriate, use ink-jet printers — they consume 95% less energy than laser printers. Similarly, laptops use 90% less energy than desktop computers.
  •     When purchasing PCs, monitors, printers, fax machines and copiers, look for 能源 Star models.
  •     Print double-sided and use email instead of sending memos and faxes.
  •     Remember to wash only full loads of laundry using cold water instead of hot.
  •     Always turn off any light that doesn’t need to be on and save electricity by using light from the sun whenever you can.