天主教研究、写作 & Rhetoric Alumna Furthers Theological Studies at Boston College


作为作家、舞蹈家和神学家, 卡莉斯塔·罗布雷多22岁 她戴了很多帽子,而且戴得很好.

罗布雷多毕业于圣. 爱德华的 with two bachelor degrees in Writing and Rhetoric and Catholic Studies. She ministered and guided fellow students as a Spiritual Development Coordinator for Campus Ministry and wrote for student publications like New Literati and The Sorin Oak Review. Whether it was through an engaging play she wrote and directed, content she created for the Holy Cross Institute, 或者只是从课堂讨论中, Robledo’s creativity was always apparent to those around her. 毕业后, she channeled her creativity by teaching little ones the foundation of dance at her childhood dance school in Weslaco, 德州. 

总统奖的获得者, Robledo was also one of three students nationwide to receive a 研究生 Fellowship Award from Theta Alpha Kappa, the national honor society for religious studies and theology. 她获奖了, she is pursuing her Masters in Divinity through Boston College’s (BC) School of Theology. 

But before she considered advancing her theology studies, 她挣扎着选择一个要钻研的领域. Her love for writing was too strong to abandon and her writing professors felt a similar way, but saw Calista’s writing career in a different light. Timothy Braun教授, visiting assistant professor of creative writing and rhetoric, shared five simple words with Robledo that made all the difference.

“你永远都是一名作家,”布劳恩说. “You don't necessarily have to go to school for it. If there's something else you want to learn, go learn it.” 

卡莉斯塔·罗布雷多22岁 is earning her Masters in Divinity at Boston College.

Everything lined up for Robledo when she was helping with the Holy Cross Convocation on campus. It was a sunny afternoon when she sat down with members of the Holy Cross and the sun gleamed through the stained glass inside Our Lady of Guadalupe Chapel. The readings for mass were about ministry and discernment; she took it as her sign. 罗布莱多决定与圣. 爱德华的校友,20岁的莱西·埃利奥特, a graduate assistant and student at BC’s School of Theology, 谈谈整个过程. Elliot shared her appreciation for the collaboration with Jesuit priests.

Robledo was also intrigued by the idea of gaining the same knowledge as the ordained. 

“What's really interesting about the Masters in Divinity, is that it’s the degree most Jesuits need before entering active ministry. So I thought it was really neat that I could be on that same level, and have that same education.”

Boston College paid all travel expenses for her campus visit. It was a sign she took seriously since her St. 爱德华的 professors insisted that the school she chose valued her. 

Greeted by a large portrait of Our Lady of Guadalupe during her visit, Robledo began to picture herself participating in weekly masses and saw glimpses of her future as she made new friends who were also accepted. By the end of her visit, she was sure this was the school for her. 

When she started her studies at Boston College, Robledo’s writing followed her. Taking Braun’s advice to heart, she continues to write for her readers through her 垂直叠加 newsletter, fittingly titled “Theo-Poet Laureate.” She’s also taken on a role as an editor for BC’s School of Theology and Ministry academic journal 流光与生命. 

“这是一个悠久的传统, 我一直在学习, of writing and theology coming together in different ways—even in an academic sense that's slowly becoming a focus among combining theology with writing,罗布莱多说.

Robledo combines writing and theology in her own way. After attending a silent retreat at Boston College,  her reflection was published on the school’s blog post, “我只需要沉默来歌颂你!以下是她的一篇文章: 

卡莉斯塔·罗布雷多22岁 is earning her Masters in Divinity at Boston College.

"As I searched for a place for a midmorning stretch, this tiny green hill seemed like a good place for rest. 我把脚放在石头上的苔藓上, 我听见耶稣的声音说, 你要把我的教会建造在这磐石上.' A shiver swept through my spine as the breeze greeted the leaves, and the sun warmed my face. I inhaled, raised my arms to the sky, then I exhaled and touched the Earth next to my feet. I touched the ground on which I was called to help build God's Church. 就像一朵花在光合作用中, I raised my head toward the sun and lifted my chest high toward the sky. Standing on this tiny yet mighty mountain, I understood where I am in accordance with God's plan. 因为我就在这里, 困惑,有时害羞, fueled by divine hope that I will hold until the end of time."

Whether through reflections on scripture at mass or publishing her writing online, Robledo’s creativity continues to shine through both of her passions.

摄影:Emily Mayernik