Student Organizations

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比尔·蒙迪商学院鼓励学生在课堂之外参加以下学生组织之一. 这些团体为本科生和研究生服务,并促进与当地商业领袖的联系, which often lead to internships and full-time careers.

Student Business Organizations

通过提供自我发展的机会,促进会计的学习和实践, service and association among members and practicing professionals. Contact Fred Tedesco at

Follow SEU Accounting Club on Instagram and Twitter.

A national honor society in business administration. Delta Mu Delta提倡在商业培训中提供更高的奖学金,并认可和奖励在学术上取得杰出成就的工商管理学生. Contact Mary Dunn at or Camelia Rotaru at


一个男女同校的商业兄弟会,在大学里促进商业研究并鼓励学术研究, 学生的社会活动和协会,通过研究和实践相互进步. Contact Mary Dunn at

Find more information at Delta Sigma Pi's website and follow them on Instagram.

Promotes interest in economic ideas and the Economics major at St. Edward’s University. 该俱乐部是一个讨论经济问题的论坛,也是一个关于经济学职业和研究生课程的信息交流平台. It also fosters social interaction among students interested in economics. Contact Haydory Ahmed at

促进提高对管理领域的认识和获得职业机会, helps grow students’ personal networks, 培养领导能力,促进研究生商业教育的好处. Contact Prodyodth Chatterjee at


Works to encourage and uphold sound and ethical marketing practices, form a deeper understanding and appreciation of marketing challenges, and improve awareness of opportunities available to marketing professionals. The association also promotes critical thinking, decision-making and leadership abilities, refines business, marketing and networking skills, and fosters beneficial relationships among students, faculty and business professionals. Contact Wes Pollitte at

Follow the Hilltop American Marketing Association on Facebook and Instagram.

加入山顶创业俱乐部,与所有专业的学生一起参与现实世界的项目. 学习如何以创业的方式建立联系,并提出独特的想法来呈现给社区. Interested in joining? Contact President, Jacob Zivin,

The only academic honor society dedicated to entrepreneurship. The mission of Sigma Nu Tau is to promote, 表彰和奖励创业方面的优秀学术成就,鼓励和认可有原则的创业实践. “有原则的企业家精神是通过为社会创造真正的价值,同时始终以合法和诚信的方式行事,从而使企业的长期盈利能力最大化." Contact Antonio Alvarado at


Designed to advance an entrepreneurial ecosystem at St. 爱德华大学为有兴趣创办小企业或非营利组织的学生开设. 组织补充课堂学习,促进创业体验. 活动包括共同赞助年度商业计划竞赛和icchallenge pitch竞赛, hosting field trips and presentations, 在校园和社区的各种创业活动中做志愿者. Contact Douglas Carter at 

Graduate Business Student Association


研究生商科学生协会(GBSA)促进提高对管理的认识和获得职业机会, helps grow students’ personal networks, 培养领导能力,促进研究生商业教育的好处.

For additional details regarding the GBSA's structure, objectives and guiding principles, refer to the GBSA Constitution and Bylaws.

Thamires Koha, President

Born and raised in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Thamires从小就对商业和创业产生了兴趣, following in the footsteps of her grandparents and parents, who built their own successful businesses. 她学习法律,并开始了自己的执业,专注于消费者和家庭法. 两年前,她搬到了德克萨斯州的奥斯汀,寻求新的机会和经历. She is currently doing an MBA at St. 他的目标是最终从事数字营销和品牌推广工作.

当她不忙于学习或工作时,Thamires喜欢旅行和探索新的文化. 她也是一名狂热的厨师,喜欢在业余时间尝试新的食谱. But perhaps her greatest joy comes from playing with her beloved dog, Chanel.

Eirini Alikampioti, Social Media Manager

Eirini Alikampioti, originally from Athens, Greece, relocated to Austin, Texas during the pandemic and has been there for nearly 4 years. She holds an undergraduate degree in Shipping from the University of Piraeus, Greece, and a shipbroking diploma from the Hellenic Shipbrokers Association, focusing on negotiation skills. With experience in prominent Greek shipping companies, Eirini decided to pursue her dreams in the United States. She is currently a second-year MBA candidate at St. 他的目标是毕业后从事市场营销和社交媒体方面的职业. 艾里尼热衷于将全球人民联系起来,克服文化障碍,这促使她攻读商学硕士学位. 她喜欢奥斯汀的友好氛围,她的爱好包括纺纱, hiking, pilates, and exploring different states. Eirini很荣幸作为社会营销官加入研究生商业学生协会,并期待为其使命做出贡献.

Zach Falkenbury, Treasurer

An Austin native, 这些年来,扎克看到了家乡的许多变化,他对这座德克萨斯州最伟大的城市的未来感到兴奋. After earning his B.A. in Government from the University of Texas at Austin, Zach entered the world of commercial tech sales, 在那里,他应对供应链中断复杂性的经历激励他在圣. Edward's. After graduation, 他希望运用自己的知识和技能,帮助他所在的任何组织尽可能顺利、高效地运作. In his free time, Zach enjoys traveling (especially to national parks!), aviation, and watching movies with his wife and two cats."

Lora Pena, Secretary

劳拉来自密歇根州,她喜欢住在德克萨斯,也喜欢学习德克萨斯的一切. 她是一个积极的学习者,专注于阅读和旅行,这是她体验不同文化和人群的两个主要媒介. 劳拉于2008年创办了她的第一家小企业,并于2015年创办了她的第一家非营利组织. She is honored to bring value to organizations through partnership, consulting, and strategic development. Lora是认证的John Maxwell教练,正在努力完成Patrick Lencioni的工作天才模型和过程沟通模型的认证. On any given day, Lora can be found at the library, on an airplane, in the gym, or organizing and participating in volunteer relief efforts. After graduation from the St. 爱德华商学院的MBA项目Lora期待着在本地和国际层面上为其他企业家和小企业主的旅程增添价值(并完成她访问第七大洲的遗愿清单上的一项), Antarctica!).